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Well if it happens we might all burn to a crisp eventually... And I'm pretty sure that qualifies as a health issue.

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Q: Why is global warming an environmental health issue?
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What issue is affecting the earth?

Global Warming.

What measurement helps check the ecological issue of global warming that the world is currently facing?

screw it

How long has global warming been a problem?

Global warming has been a recognized issue since the late 19th century when scientists first started observing increases in carbon dioxide levels. It became a prominent environmental concern in the late 20th century as the effects of climate change became more apparent.

Why is global warming a political issue?

Global warming is a political issue because it involves global cooperation and policy decisions that require extensive coordination among countries. The debate often revolves around implementing measures to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, which can have economic impacts and require changes in industries that contribute significantly to the issue. Additionally, political ideologies and interests can influence how different governments approach and prioritize actions to address global warming.

Is global warming the same as pollution?

No. Pollution is the main cause of global warming. Pollutants such as greenhouse gases are often trapped in the atmosphere. As a result, heat is retained inside. This heat is what causes temperatures around the globe to rise thus causing global warming. As with any issue, there are many investigations and experiments that argument in favor and against this global warming theory. However, most of them show it is a real situation and a real threat in the near future.

Related questions

Is pollution a global issue or a environmental issue?

Yes it is because it is global warming and any country has global warming for example the Netherlands it's due global warming if not that country will be in a hazard of flooding !

How is global warming connected to other resources?

Global warming is the main issue. It can cause various other environmental problems.

Current environmental issue affecting consumption and consumer products?

global warming ..

What environmental issue is related to the greenhouse effect?

Global Warming... Global Warming is caused by Carbon Dioxide being trapped in the Earth's atmosphere. AKA the greenhouse effect.

Do you Know any environmental issues?

A huge environmental issue right now is global warming, and overall depletion of the ozone layer. Global warming is a hot topic because some people still refuse to believe it is actually occuring.

What is the most important environmental issue concerning the Earth?

Global Warming and Pollution are things people are worried about worldwide.

What environmental issue is of concern for the Netherlands?

Global warming is, The Netherlands lies below sea level, our dykes are keeping the water out, if the pole ice melts due to global warming our country will be in hazzard of flooding.

What is an enviromental issues?

something that's wrong wiv the environment

Programs to improve environmental health in Central America and South America and the Caribbean will likely focus on these issues?

Some of the major environmental issue for central america is global warming and deforestation. 2. and pollution and water shortages.

What is the biggest issue regarding global warming?

Effect of global warming seems to be uppermost

How is gonorrhea a environmental issue?

It is not an environmental issue, it is a public health issue

What is a global issue in Oceania?

Rising sea levels from global warming is a global issue. This is threatening many low-lying countries. It is a global issue because the warming is being caused by the actions of every country around the world.