

Why is goldfish called goldfish?

Updated: 8/18/2019
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13y ago

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Because of their bright, golden color. One of their other names is "Golden Carp".

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Q: Why is goldfish called goldfish?
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How are baby goldfish called?

I think baby goldfish are called fry.

What is a pregnant goldfish called?

Goldfish don't get pregnant.

Do goldfish have communities?

goldfish live in groups called schools they don't go to school there group is called a school

Is Tilapia a Goldfish?

When goldfish are large enough, they are called carp. Tilapia is not a goldfish or a carp, although the species does have some similarity.

How do you spell goldfish in Chinese?

Goldfish in Mandarin is called 金鱼 (jīnyú).

What they call baby goldfish?

Baby goldfish, once hatched from their eggs, are called fry

What is a group pf goldfish called?

a school

What are the reproductive organs in goldfish called?

Female goldfish have ovaries to produce eggs, and reproduce externally. Male goldfish have internal testes, and they also reproduce externally.

What is an egg-laden goldfish called?

They aare called Gravid or ripe!!

Why are goldfish called goldfish when they can be different colours?

goldfish are not always one color because they have different species. Also, goldfish can change colors over time. They won't always be gold or maybe they won't always be white or whatever color your goldfish is.

Do goldfish have teeth to eat food?

Goldfish have teeth, but not in the way that you expect them; they are called pharyngeal teeth which are near the throat

What should you call your new pet goldfish?

You could use the name of someone you know as the name for your goldfish or you could go for more of a comedy name such as a small goldfish called Jaws, or one called Mr Fish. In the end its your goldfish so you can name it whatever you want. Hope i helped