

Why is gravity in some planets more some not?

Updated: 8/17/2019
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14y ago

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Gravity is stronger on some planets because the planet's core is much more dense. Making it's gravitational pull stronger. Which is making gravity stronger.

that is sortof true

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Q: Why is gravity in some planets more some not?
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Why is there gravity on some planets but not on others?

All planets have gravity, but some planets have more gravity that others. The amout of gravity is based on the size of the planet. Jupiter, for example, has much more gravity than Earth because it is bigger. Planents aren't the only objects that have gravity. Even your pencil has gravity, but it is such an extremly small amout that it really doens't make a difference.

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Because of gravity. The greater a planet's mass the more gravity it has. The more gravity a planet has the more "force" is pulling you towards the centre and thus you have more weight.

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All planets have gravity- Some more than Earth, some less. Other planets that are large enough do have air- but not made up of the same gasses as Earth.

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the gravitational pull of the gravity of the planet so in other words bigger planets more gravity, smaller planet less gravity. usually bigger planets have more moons

Why is why is there gravity on some planets but not on others?

There is gravity on all planets. The strength of that gravity varies depending on the size and mass of each planet.

Does regular planets have weak gravity?

Generally speaking, the bigger or more massive a planet it, the more gravity it has, since gravity and mass are related. the small planets such as Mars and Mercury have a weaker gravity, while the larger planets have a strong gravitational field.

Which has more gavity small planets or large planets?

Large planets have more gravity than smaller ones

Can planet grow without gravity?

Gravity comes with mass so since a planet has mass there is some gravity. the bigger the planet the more mass it has. smaller planets have less gravity. so either way there is always some gravity on a planet.

How does the gravity of the planets effect the mass?

the bigger the planet the more gravity it has because it needs to hold it self together so it has more gravity than smaller planets who require a small amount of gravity to hold themselves toghther

Where do the planets get gravity?

Planets have gravity because they have mass.

Is the gravity on a stars surface more or less than the gravity on a planets surface?

An bigger thing on Universe, the more gravity but the Black hole is small but has the most gravity pushing in it and Stars had more gravity than the planets just like an Guy with an big muscle. he had the ability to push and pull and object.