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Q: Why is having a family a blessing?
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Is it correct to say you are a blessing to my family and i or my family and me?

Me is correct here.

Why is the blessing on the head important while having your confirmation?

The blessing on the head is part of the matter of the sacrament.

What do you mean by joint family is blessing in disguise?

A joint family can be seen as a blessing in disguise because while it provides support and a sense of community, it may also come with challenges such as differing beliefs, conflicts, and sharing of resources. It offers the opportunity for closeness and shared experiences, but it also requires compromise and understanding among family members.

Why was josephs presence in Egypt a blessing for family?

Josephs presence in Egypt was a big blessing for his family as they united the family as th family was separated from him and the father thought that Josephs was dead . And they gotfood at the time of a big famine.

What does blessing-werke mean?

Blessing Werke was a clock making company in Germany (Black Forest). Blessing is a German family name, Werke means factory.

Is true that first borne girls are a blessing to the family?

No. Every child regardless of gender have the power to be either a blessing or a curse.

What is a sentence using the word blessing?

It is a blessing having children. We can eat after we have the blessing. The priest raised his hand when he was blessing the congregation. Blessing means experiencing happiness.

What does the blessing of Christmas mean?

it depends. What are the blessings of Christmas?

What does Jonathan count as his greatest blessings?

He counts his family as his greatest blessing.

What blessing did abram's family receive because of him?

they recived food and water to eat and drink

What has the author Sujatha Hampton written?

Sujatha Hampton has written: 'As it was written' -- subject(s): Fiction, Physicians, Family secrets, Blessing and cursing, Daughters 'As it was written' -- subject(s): Fiction, Physicians, Blessing and cursing, Daughters, Family secrets

What two things did Jacob steal from his brother?

Jacob stole his brother Esau's birthright and blessing. The birthright included a double portion of their father's inheritance, while the blessing was a verbal declaration of prosperity and leadership within the family.