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All noble gases have completely filled orbitals. Helium has two valence electrons and its s-orbital is full and is stable. Other noble gases have completely fill p-orbitals as the valence orbitals.

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What is the octet rule and what does it have to do with bonding?

Most atoms tend to form the kind of bonds that will give them 8 electrons (an octet) in their outer shell, because that is a particularly stable arrangement. Exceptions are hydrogen and helium. Hydrogen's most stable arrangement is zero electrons (but it can also have 2) and helium has a stable arrangement of 2 electrons. the two lightest metals, lithium and beryllium, also have a stable electron arrangement of just two electrons. All other elements seek 8.

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Helium 4 is very stable. Helium 6 is unstable.

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Helium is already stable. Hydrogen should gain or lose one electron to be stable.

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Helium is more stable, because it has completely filled valence orbitals.

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Yes. Helium, Xenon, and Neon have stable electron numbers (octette rule).

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No. Helium is not molecular it is monoatomic. Helium is unreactive and forms no compounds.

Can helium turn into air?

Helium cannot turn into anything, it is a stable element.

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Helium is extremely stable and non radioactive

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helium has completely filled valence orbitals and hence is stable

Is Helium the first element on the periodic table and the most stable element in the universe?

False (Hydrogen has the first position, Helium is the most stable)