

Why is horseradish red some times?

Updated: 8/17/2019
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Q: Why is horseradish red some times?
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What are some veges starting with H?

Here are a couple...habenero peppers, horseradish

Do apples have horseradish in them?

No, apples do not have horseradish in them. Apples are apples and horseradish is horseradish. They can be combined, but are obtained separately.

What are some veggies that start with the letter H?

· horseradish

What red vegetable is a member of the mustard family?

Radish, cabbage, horseradish, broccoli, watercress

Where does horseraddish come from?

Horseradish is a perennial plant similar to mustard, broccoli and cabbages. In the middle ages both the root and leaves from the horseradish was used a medicine and used as a condiment on meat in Germany, Scandinavia and Britian. Horseradish was brought over to North American during Colonial times.

What is horseradish in Portuguese?

Raiz forte is a Portuguese equivalent of 'horseradish' [Armoracia rustica].

What are the main ingredients of horseradish spread?

You may find recipes for home made horseradish spread at the following or

What is horseradish meaning in Telugu?

telugulo horseradish meaning

What is the english name for malunggay?

It's not horseradish! It can be called horseradish tree or drumstick tree, but not horseradish- that is a different plant.

What vegetables have 6 letters and start with H?

Horseradish is a vegetable. It begins with the letter h.

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How many calories are in horseradish?

There are about 7 calories in one tbsp of horseradish.