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So they can hide from predators and wont get eaten
they need to protect themselves from predators that might do something to harm them in any way.

hope i helped you. (:

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13y ago

Frogs use camouflage so it is harder for other animals to find them

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8y ago

Camouflage benefits the frog in two ways. It helps to frog hide from it's predators (those that want to eat it). It helps the frog hide from it's prey (those it wants to eat).

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The counter shading provides camouflage for the frog and keeps the prey from being able to see it easily. It is also able to blend in with the surroundings.

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It helps the frog camouflage ! :)

Does the green tree frog camouflage?

Im pretty sure green tree frogs do camouflage

How does a red eye tree frog survive?

they camouflage

Can the green tree frog camoflauge?

The green skin of a tree frog is a type of camouflage. It allows the tree frog to blend into plants, leaves, and grass.

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camouflage in a tree frog

How do you use camouflauge in a sentence?

the amazon tree frog has natural camouflage , when a predator approaches it it blends in with the trees. my brother dressed up in his camouflage to go kill a deer.

What are some enemies of the red eye tree frog?

The Red Eyed Tree Frog has enemies. Some of the enemies are birds, owls, large snakes, and bats. The Red Eyed Tree Frog has ways to protect itself. This frog has camouflage. This makes it so this frog is not endangered.

Integumentary system of frog?

The integumentary system of a frog has multiple functions. The integumentary system is made up of the skin of a frog, and visually helps to protect the frog - using camouflage. The integumentary system also helps the skin to stay moist when the frog is on land and helps the frog to breathe while underwater.

How does a frog's coloring protect it from its enemies?

Camouflage. The frog can blend in with its surroundings, and make it hard for predators to see it, since a lot of animals have poor eyesight. If that does not work the frog will usually hop into the pond and bury itself in the mud on the bottom.