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Water is important for cells as it provide medium for many chemical reactions and also for the fluidity of cell

You are correct in stating water provides a medium for chemical reactions / activity ,But I don't understand your comment about "Fluidity of cell" ...I would agree if you meant to say that water in being used as a medium for life sustaining transfers of nutrients,it also keeps the Cells Inflated and Elastic, if not they could not perform their function and would deteriorate...Otherwise know as dehydration where as by lack of water the a fore mentioned happens leading to weakness, disorientation, lethargy, non interest in food,eventually death.....So drink a multitude of clean room temperature water every day,Doctors suggest 8 tall glasses

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3h ago

Water is essential for cells to carry out basic functions such as nutrient transportation, waste removal, and maintaining a stable internal environment. It also helps in chemical reactions within the cell and provides structure and support. Additionally, water helps regulate body temperature and lubricates joints.

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