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Becsuse it is illegal to bury a living man.

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12y ago

The man can not be buried anywhere because he is still living.

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Gabriella Simonetti

Lvl 2
3y ago

It's against the law because the man is still alive! Nowhere in the riddle does it say that the man died.

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Q: Why is it against the law for a man living in North Dakota to be buried in South Dakota?
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Why is it illegal for a man living in North Carolina to be buried in South Carolina?

Well you probably have that math page that ask that question so the answer to that and the question now is: "its against the law to bury the living"

What are people from North Dakota called?

South Dakota is a state in America's Midwest region. The demonym used to describe the 800 000 residents is 'South Dakotan'. Thus, a person from South Dakota should be referred to as a South Dakotan.

What is north of South Dakota and North Dakota?

Saskatchewan and Manitoba, Canada are to the north of North Dakota and North Dakota is to the north of South Dakota.

In which state in the middle west region would you be if you were living in Fargo?

North Dakota

Who discovered North Dakota?

The French claimed it in their Louisiana territory, but Native Americans discovered North Dakota. Before the first Europeans visited North Dakota, there were several Native American tribes already living there. The Mandan, Hidatsa, and Arikara were living along the Missouri River while the Sioux, Chippewa, and Assiniboine lived in the north east. The first known explorer to actually visit North Dakota was French-Canadian Pierre La Vérendrye.

Is North Dakota or South Dakota farther north?

North Dakota is up by the border of Canada, Wyoming is just next to South Dakota.

North Carolina is to South Carolina as what is to South Dakota?

It is an analogy. North Carolina is to South Carolina as North Dakota is to South Dakota.

Is the state of North Dakota north or south of the state South Dakota?

North Dakota is north of South Dakota.

Why do people like living here in North Dakota?

people like living here in North Dakota because their are larger land, feilds, ranches, anaimals, houses, or just want to be near by some one, or does'nt have the money to move.

What is south of North Dakota?

The US state of North Dakota is north of South Dakota.

Why cant people living outside of North Carolina be buried in winston-salem?

Because you are not allowed to bury living people.

Does North Dakota pay you to live there?

No, North Dakota does not "pay you to live there". If you are an employee of the state of North Dakota then you would get paid to work in North Dakota by the state of North Dakota.