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Q: Why is it an advantage that you do not have control over all of your muscles?
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Which describes smooth muscles?

Smooth muscles are found in all hollow organs and you have no control over their movements (involuntary control).

What type of muscle that can be contracted?

You have control over all striated skeletal muscles. You can not control smooth muscle fibers and cardiac muscle tissues.

Can you control all your muscles?


What type of muscles makes up the tongue?

The human tongue is made up of 8 different muscles. These are all classified as either intrinsic or extrinsic muscles. The extrinsic muscles are the genioglossus, hyoglossus, styloglossus, and palatoglossus. The intrinsic muscles are the superior and inferior longitudinal muscles, the verticalis muscle, and the transversus muscle.

Are there muscles all over your body?

yes there are muscles all over the body

What muscles are under the control of the animal?

All muscles are in the control of an animal, even the heart and diaphragm. They are just subconscious.

Do you control all of your muscles?

No, some are involuntary.

What muscle control voluntary movements?

Your Skeletal Muscles

Is skeletal muscle Involuntary?

The skeletal muscle is voluntary. Voluntary muscles are the muscles that you have the ability to control. This includes moving your arm, chewing, or moving your legs. Involuntary muscles are muscles you have no control over. A good example of that would be smooth muscles that help with digestion.

Can you control the movements of 640 muscles in your body?

No you can control all of those muscles they are too much for you.Made bye Maab Elsadic

Can you control the movements about 640 muscles in your body?

No you can control all of those muscles they are too much for you.Made bye Maab Elsadic

What muscles do the cerebrum control?

All the voluntary muscles directly, and via the autonomic nervous system, all the rest.