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Q: Why is it an carl linneaus discovery is an important?
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Carl Linneaus(not sure if Linneaus is spelled right)your welcome

The groups in which carl linneaus placed organisms?

The answer is: taxa

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How old is botany?

Botany was "invented" by Carl Linneaus in 1707

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A swedish scientist named Carl Linneaus (I think that is how you spell it)

How to explain taxonomy?

Taxonomy was discover by Carl Linneaus. Taxonomy is the classification of all living organisms.

What is a linnear classification?

Modern taxonomy. It is the science of of classification of life. (Named after Carl Von Linneaus)

Who is considered as the father of taxanomy?

Carl Linnaeus

Who created the modern system of taxonomy?

Linneaus started the system, but many scientists have modified it over the years.

Who is the classification system named for and why?

The classification system is named after Carl Linneaus because he was the one to come up with the idea of classifying animals and other living things.

The discovery of what made it clear that Linneaus's two kingdoms could not be used to classify all organisms?

The two kingdom model placed everything in either animal of plant kingdoms. The discovery of fungi challenged this, as they had features of both kingdoms.

What did Carl Linneaus do that made him famous?

Carl Linneaus is known as the Father of Taxonomy. His system of binomial naming of species simplified the extremely confusing and inconsistent naming of species. He designated one Latin name to indicate the genus, and one for the species. Although Linneaus was not the first to use the binomial system, his consistency in use and his logic of grouping led many experts to adopt his system. Although his system has been modified somewhat through history, his method of naming still remains the standard today and many of his original names still remain official.