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Q: Why is it appropriate that Scene 1 in light of the information given in the Prologue begins with men in search of a fight Why does Shakespeare first depict the servants of both houses fighting rather?
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What was William shakespeares favorite football team?

William Shakespeare's favorite football team was the Fighting Irish of Notre Dame. Shakespeare was a College Football player who was drafted by the Pittsburgh Steelers.

What is one happy outcome we can anticipate that is revealed in the prologue of Romeo and Juliet?

They will "bury their parents' strife." The families will stop fighting each other.

What is Shakespeare trying to say about fighting in Romeo and Juliet?

That it leads to nothing but sorrow.

Where might one find information on fighting knives?

Information about fighting knives can be found on the websites KnifeZone and KnifeCenter. Information can also be found on Wikipedia under fighting knife.

Was there Cock fighting in Shakespeare's time?

Yes, indeed there was, as well as Bear/bull baiting :)

Where can one find information on sword fighting?

You can find information on sword fighting by going to your local library and checking out a book about it. There are plenty of books specializing in the art of sword fighting.

Where online can one find information on fighting email spam?

One can find information on fighting email spam via a number of websites. Information can be found on sites such as 'About', 'wikiHow', 'SpamCop' and 'AppStorm'.

What are the 3 A's of fighting fires?

The 3 A's of fighting fires are "Avoid, Alert, and Attack." These principles emphasize the importance of preventing fires whenever possible, notifying the appropriate authorities quickly in case of a fire, and taking swift action to extinguish the fire using the appropriate methods and equipment.

How did Riched the III die at the battle of Bosworth?

He was killed by an unkown Welsh soldier fighting for Henry VII. The story put forward in Shakespeare, of Henry and Richard fighting in hand-to-hand combat, never actually happened.

Is Romeo and Juliet strife is buried with the deaths of Romeo and Juliet?

No, it is their parents' strife. In prologue it is written 'with their death bury their parents' strife'. This means the feud between the families is ended when their dearest children die as a cause of their fighting.

Can you name some typical sports in the time of William shakespeare?

Some of the most popular sports would have been bear baiting and cock fighting.

Do you have any information regarding the fighting dog of Pakistan?

Please go onto: Ask: History of the fighting dog of Pakistan You will get all sorts of information. However, watch the news, it's apparent that society is AGAINST fighting dogs for profit (gambling!) It's against the law.