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Q: Why is it bad being exposed to microwaves?
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Can you cook cherries in the microwave?

No, you cannot cook cherries in a microwave.After being exposed to the microwaves for just a few seconds, the cherries will simply explode.

Do microwaves cause any harm?

Microwaves cause radiation, which causes skin cancer...

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Farmers work long hours risk much if the crops are bad. They are exposed to dangerous chemicals and mold.

How were microwaves invented?

Microwaves existed long before the first human being. So they were not invented.

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What are the effects of microwaves on the human body?

There are no microwaves left in the food after cooking. Stopping a microwave oven is like shutting off a light - the microwaves disappear. As to the effect upon the body if exposed to microwaves, all they can do is heat the body. But that takes a lot more microwave power than you would be exposed to by a leaking microwave oven. Even if you could be exposed to that large amount of microwave power, you would feel yourself getting warm and when it became uncomfortable you would get out of the microwave field with no injury. I have exposed my hand to very high power microwaves, equivalent to about ten times what is inside a high power domestic oven, and it feels just as I described above. Since I did this over 40 years ago and still have both hands and all my fingers I can testify to what I described above.

Are cheap microwaves bad?

No I had a cheap microwave. It was still a good microwave

Why are mobile phones bad for little children?

Apart from the health issues of being exposed to radiation - It makes them susceptible to bullying and/or mugging.

Are microwaves good or bad for us?

As with any other wavelength of the electromagnetic spectrum, they can be good or bad depending on the use to which they are put.

Is Breast cancer bad?

Breast cancer can be bad in many ways for example you are exposed to the risk of dying and you can also be exposed to lots of radiation and that could be bad for you SOMETIMES.

Name good or bad things about microwaves?

Microwaves are good for heating things fast. Don't stay near one, it can cause cancer because microwaves work on heating the water in the food, and we are 70% water and it could mess up our cells

How is mercury related to your health?

Its incredibly bad for it if exposed to it.