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Q: Why is it bad luck to put a hat on a bed?
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Is it bad luck to put hat on a bed?

I can not tell you were the superstition originated, nor can I explain way, but my grandmother would get very upset if you placed a hat on a bed. She maintained it was the worst of all bad luck things one could do. She even once said, better to break a mirror than allow a hat to rest upon a bed.

What are superstitions about beds?

- It is bad luck to put a hat on a bed - If you make a quilt or bedspread be sure to finish it or you will never get married - Positioning a bed facing north and south brings misfortune - You must get out of bed on the same side that you get in or else you will have bad luck - When making a bed, don't interrupt your work, or else you will spend a restless night sleeping in it

Is it bad luck to put up your Christmas tree early?

No. It's supposedly bad luck to put your calendar up early.

Why is bad to put a hood or hat on in a classroom?

In general, it is considered rude for a man to wear a hat indoors.

What are some superstitions?

If you walk under a ladder you get bad luck If you crack a mirror you have 7 years bad luck If you open an umbrella inside you have bad luck If you put your shoes on a table you have bad luck

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my mom and dad say "yes it is bad luck"

Is it bad luck to put your Christmas tree up on the 1st December?

Having bad or good luck is a matter of superstition of which there is no scientific proof of. So generally, no, it is not bad luck.

Is it bad luck to put your calendar up early?

My mom said it is.

How do you arrange the men in red dragon island?

you have to put the guy with no glasses but a mustache he stole the fish put him in the back but first put the men who does not have a hat or mustace or glasses in the front and put the guy with a hat and a mustache and glasses in front of the person who stole the fish and there you go good luck

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