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I think Coke is better for you, let me explain. Milk is derived from an animal, and how many species do you see suckling the teet of another animal after infant age. Excessive milk is also linked to osteoporosis and tooth rot. It also contains a glue much like Elmers Glue (notice the cow on the label) which actually BLOCK your intestines from being able to absorb nutrients.

The milk campaign is aimed at blacks even though most blacks are lactose intolerant (because whites have been drinking milk hundreds of years before blacks). The milk is forced down our kids throats in schools. It is, much like alcohol and tobacco, a billion dollar industry.

Coke is made with the main ingredient being WATER. My brother has ingested coke for 12 years and still has all his teeth and strong bones and looks younger than he is. He does not drink anything but coke. Maybe sweet tea here and there...

Google Milk White poison the horrors of.

Why do our teenagers look like adults? Why do pre-pubescent girls look 18? Because the milk is enriched with a growth hormone to make the cow produce 100X more milk than she normally would. I am 25 and I look like most 16 year olds. My dad is 50 and can easily pass for 30. We are a non-milk family. All this can be found through research, but you gotta get past the Got Milk ads.

If you had a choice between ice cream made with cows milk or with human breast milk which would you choose? Exactly.

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13y ago
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11y ago

milk and yogurt have more vitamins that are better for your body rather than a soft drink that is filled with sugar

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