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No real reason exists for why Thursday was chosen except that the alliteration with the T's is nice. It is also a good means to start the end of the work week before people start their weekend activities and have no time for "throwback" photos.

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Q: Why is it called throwback Thursday not Friday or Saturday?
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On Holy Thursday, the Thursday before Easter, sometimes called "Maundy Thursday." It encompasses Holy Thursday, Good Friday and Holy Saturday.A better answer is ....he Easter Triduum begins on Holy Thursday with the evening Mass of the Lord's Supper, is continued through Good Friday with the celebration of the passion of the Lord on Holy Saturday, reaches its high point in the Easter vigil, and concludes with evening prayer on Easter Sunday. Hope it helped!

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Holy Thursday, Good Friday, Holy Saturday - also known as the Triduum. It begins with Mass on Holy Thursday and ends with the beginning of Mass on Holy Saturday.

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Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday are called the weekdays. They are the days on which it is customary to work.

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The Friday before Easter is called "Good Friday" and commemorates the death of Jesus Christ. Other days of the week before Easter are called "Holy (whatever)", with the exception of Thursday, which is called either Holy Thursday or Maundy Thursday depending on local custom. The Sunday before Easter is Palm Sunday.

What do you call Holy Thursday Good Friday and holy Saturday together?

Catholic AnswerTogether, they are called the Sacred Triduum. Which would begins with the Mass of the Lord's Supper in the evening of Thursday, continues through the Passion on Friday afternoon, and concludes in Jesus rising from the dead at the Easter Vigil which must begin after dark on Holy Saturday and be finished before dawn on Easter morning. The Church views all three services as one so the end of the the Holy Thursday Mass has no dismissal, Good Friday has no greeting or dismissal, and the Vigil begins with the lighting of the Easter Candle but no greeting.

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There is no Mass on Good Friday and the communion distributed that day was consecrated at the Holy Thursday Mass. In pre-Vatican II times it was called the Mass of the Presanctified. There is no Mass until the Easter Vigil Mass on Holy Saturday.

Holy Thursday good Friday and the Easter vigil is called what?

The Easter Triddum.

What is the name of the Thursday before Easter?

Thursday before Easter is known as Maundy Thursday in the Christian calendar.In some churches, it is also known as Holy Thursday. It is recognised as the day when Jesus administered the Eucharist to his apostles and washed their feet.

What do they call the Saturday before Easter Sunday?

Maundy Thursday Holy Thursday is the day that Christ celebrated the Last Supper with His disciples, four days after His triumphal entry into Jerusalem on Palm Sunday. Only hours after the Last Supper, Judas would betray Christ in the Garden of Gethsemane, setting the stage for Christ's Crucifixion on Good Friday.