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Q: Why is it difficult for the pigs to convince the animals of the principles if Animal ism?
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Examples of manipulative communication language in Animal Farm?

Squealer uses a variety of techniques that convince the animals of Animal Farm of whatever Napoleon desires. He is talented at deception by lying and the animals are easily gullible to it.

How scarcity of water effects on animals?

animal life in water bodies will be very difficult.

What is a yak bell?

a bell that hangs round the animals neck, the animal can be located in difficult circumstances, as the animal walks the bell tolls

What is an animal trainer called?

Some animal trainers may have a knowledge of the principles of behavior analysis and operant conditioning, but there are many ways to train animals and no legal requirements or certifications are required.

What are the disadvantages of animals lives in solitary?

If an animal lives in solitude, it is difficult/impossible for it to mate and reproduce to make more of that species, which could in turn lead to an endangered species.

Are they nice to other amimales?

This is a difficult question to answer due to the lack of information. Animals are sometimes hostile and sometimes very passive when approach by humans and other animals. This answer would depend on the type of animal to animal contact being asked about.

How can we stop animal abuse?

Convince other people to be kind to animals, One major solution is educating people about spaying and neutering their pets. A major part of animal abuse is abandonment. Another is to recognize animal abuse when you see it and report ANY abuse towards animals to the SPCA, The Humane Society, an animal shelter or the Police. Save animals from unstable environments that could be hurtful to them. By not eating animal products, not purchasing products tested on animals, not wearing fur, leather, wool, or silk. Also, provide support to nonprofit organizations that help animals through donations and volunteering.

How do you control some harmful animals?

Controlling harmful animals is difficult as they are typically wild and rely on their natural animal instincts to survive. The best kind of control is one that you have over the animal that will keep yourself safe. Animal control has devices that they can use to keep a safe distance and maintain control over the animal.

What factors affect animal behavior?

Many surrounding factors affect the life of an animal. For example the climate, climate can not only impact the comfort of an animal, but also the animals food supply. People also impact the life of an animal, people moving into the animals home area, can make life more difficult for the animal.

Basic principles of Animal biotechnology to animal science?

general principle of animal biotechnology

Can you make a hamster diurnal?

Hamsters are normally nocturnal animals. It is difficult to change an animal's natural circadian cycle. You might trying artificial lights on timers, but this may prove difficult Changing an animal's natural sleep cycle can be bad for its health.

Which everyday animal is a stegosaurus like?

There are no animals today that resemble Stegosaurus. That is one reason why it is so difficult to figure out what their plates were used for.