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Q: Why is it easier to pull out a nail with a long-handled hammer than with a short- handled hammer?
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Why is fuel when it is removed from the reactor left to cool before being handled further?

They call it "cooling" but it is not thermal cooling it is radiological "cooling" by decay of highly radioactive short half life isotopes. This reduces the radioactivity of the spent fuel and makes it easier to handle and process.

How much does a olympic hammer weigh?

a standard claw hammer weighs 16 ozs. after that depending on the manufacturer 21 or 24 ozs. Short handled Club Hammers are in the region of 40 ozs and 64 ozs. Long handle sledge hammers about 112 ozs and 224 ozs. But the answer may depend on the manufacturer and the country of origin

Which of these is the best description of impluse sound?

A short-lasting, but loud noise. Such as a rifle shot, or a hammer bang. These make the sound appear louder than it really is.

Is a hammer a force?

No. A hammer is a tool, having a handle and a head. One end of the head is built to allow the entire tool to be used as a lever, developing great force to pry, or to pull nails out of wood. The other end of the head is designed to exert great force in very short pulses. The handle is the interface to the human hand and arm, required to make either end of the head do anything.

How do you measure the force of a falling sledgehammer?

Thanks for the clarification in the discussion. First: you don't really want force. The force is measured in newtons, and is the same whether you drop the hammer only a short distance or from the roof of the highest building you can get to. You really want to know the kinetic energy, which will be measured in joules, since that's what depends on the height. So: enough blather. How do you find these things? The easiest way is to weigh the sledgehammer. If you've got a scale that shows newtons, congratulations. If not, but you can find one that shows kilograms, then just multiply the mass of the hammer in kilograms by the acceleration due to gravity (9.8 meters per second per second) to find newtons. Suppose your sledgehammer has a mass of 4.0 kg. Multiply by 9.8 m/s/s to get 39 N. Once you know the force acting on the hammer, you can use that to calculate the kinetic energy. That's just the force in newtons multiplied by the height (in meters) you drop the hammer from. To make it simple, let's suppose it's being dropped from 1.0 meter. The force is then 39 N * 1.0 m = 39 J.

Related questions

Why is it easier to pull out a nail with a long-handled hammer than with a short-handled hammer?

The longer handle uses more distance so you need less force.

Why is it easier to pull out a nail with a long-hammer than with a short-handled hammer?

the long handle provides a greater lever effect

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A wooden mallet is a short handled hammer that typically has a cylindrical head. It is used to dive a chisel. Synonyms for mallet include mace, club, and cudgel.

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It won't open with the wrench provided ? Then you need a narrow head cold chisel and a short handled sledge hammer, knocing the head of the bolt carefully at an angle will loosen it.

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