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because they work and move automatically

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Q: Why is it good that people don't have to think about smooth muscle doing their jobs?
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Are smooth muscles striated or smooth?

Smooth muscle is the muscle inside of the digestive system so it has to be involuntary.

Can a smooth muscle be voluntary?

yes it is.....

What type of muscle tissue is involuntary?

I think it's smooth muscle, which makes up the heart.

What muscle do you use when talking?

I think the smooth muscles.

What Type Of Muscles Aids In The Digestion Of Food?

Smooth muscles are found in the intestines and stomach. If these were skeletal muscles, instead of smooth, you would have to physically think about digesting your food to control digestion, and no food would get digested while you were busy or sleeping!it is the smooth muscles only.Smooth muscle

Which type of muscle tissue responds the fastest to stimulations to contract?

The answer is smooth muscle.The muscle tissue of a fully active brain will reproduce instantaneously; if damaged during exercises, as the brain has the most potential, and is fully alert of all of its operation perimeters: when performing at full power, and processing within parameters!

What is true regarding the structure of smooth muscle?

The smooth muscle is striated and this allows for a smooth sliding across each other when muscles contract and extend smooth muscle isn't striated, that's skeltal muscle. but im trying to find the answer to the question aswell!

What muscle tissue is found along the hallow portion of the organ?

I think you mean 'smooth' muscle (as opposed to skeletal or cardiac muscle) .

Is a smooth muscle a voluntary muscle or involuntary muscle?

Yes, smooth muscle is involuntary muscle, meaning it will cause actions that you don't have to think about. For example, your vasculature is surrounded by smooth muscle to allow dilation or constriction of blood vessels to help control blood pressure and shunt blood away from or to certain regions of the body.

What is the smooth muscle that's key to breathing?

diaprahm i think i spelled it wrong though but that's the answer

What is the function of the muscle cells in the stomach?

Smooth muscles produce a slow movement of the stomach mixing the contents. This muscle is not voluntary as you do not have to think about it as you do with your legs and arm muscles.

Where are your smooth and your cardiac muscles at?

Cardiac means anything to do with the heart so go and have a good long think about that... Smooth muscle is found covering organs like the stomach.