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It is hotter on Mercury than it is on Pluto because Mercury is much closer to the Sun. Pluto is no longer considered a planet.

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Q: Why is it hotter on Mercury than Pluto?
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Which is hotter the Moon or Pluto?

Day time on the Moon is hotter than Pluto. Night time on the moon is about as cold as Pluto, sometimes colder.

Can you fit Pluto into Mercury?

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Is Pluto colder or hotter than Earth?

colder because its an outer planet and earth is an inner.So remember inner=hotter outer=colder

Is it true Pluto is only larger than mercury?

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Ganymede is the largest moon of Jupiter, it is bigger than mercury and also Pluto. Pluto is no longer a planet

How much hotter is Earth than Pluto?

100 Celsius

Is Venus warmer than Pluto?

Yes Pluto is -205 and Neptune is -220Yes because Pluto is -205 and neptune is -220. why? like venus, neptune has little clouds that keep the cold in. Its the same as venus being hotter than mercury. even though Pluto is futher than Neptune, neptune is colder

How are mercury and Pluto different?

While the planet Mercury and Pluto have some similarities, they are quite different. Mercury is much warmer than Pluto because of its proximity to the sun. The year on Mercury is 88 days compared to 248 years for Pluto.