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The two sores can usually be distinguished visually and there are specific diagnostic tests for herpes infection.

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A distinction between canker sores and cold sores must be made because cold sores are infectious and the herpes infection can be transmitted to other people.

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Q: Why is it important for a distinction to be made between a canker and a cold sore?
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Can making out with a person who gets canker sores give you canker sores?

No. I have canker sores and have never kowingly given some one canker sores. Canker sores are not caused by the same thing that causes cold sores and as far as I know they are not contagious. But to be on the safe side avoid kissing this person until their canker sores go away.

What is difference between cold sores and canker sores?

Sorry hun they are the same thing. The name cold sore is supposed to lessen the stigma of having oral herpes. The good thing is they are nothing bad to have, they don't do any thing else besides cause an annoying sore / blisters, they are also very common to have. FYI they can be passed to the mouth with out ever having any thing to do with sex. When they break out it's often a sign that you're run down, have been out in the sun or cold weather fot too long, or stressed out by some thing.

Are canker sores contagious?

Nope. Cold sores are though.

Is it possible to have a canker sore in your mouth and have a cold sore on your lip at the same time?

No the chances of canker sores are very less, canker sores once there are contagious though.

What is the difference between a cold sore fever blister and herpes?

Canker sores an cold sores are not the same thing. Oral herpes is caused by a contagious virus. Cold sores can cause a lot of discomfort or pain and they affect the out side of the mouth. Canker sores are caused by bacteria and as far as I know they are not contagious. Canker sores are raise white slightly itchy masses that occuron the inside of the mouth.

What if you have a cold sore in your mouth after making out?

A canker sore can be caused by many things. See the related link for more information on canker sores inside the mouth.

Cold sores inside the mouth?

Sores inside the mouth are called canker sores.

Cold sore or canker sore?

To me, both are pretty bad, but a canker sore is always worst! Cold sores can hurt sometimes and are a pain to have on the lip, especially because of it being un-comftorable! Canker sores hurt very bad, I would know, as I get them a lot! They sting in your mouth and it's hard to eat things and especially the pain they inflict on people who have them when they get up in the morning!

What is the definition of mouth care?

Mouth care is an important aspect of hygiene. Maintaining a healthy oral cavity reduces the risk of oral problems such as bad breath, dry mouth, cold sores or canker.

Can acid reflux cause tenderness burning sensation and sore lips without any sign of cold sores or canker sores?


Can canker sores be caught from someone else?

No, canker sores are abrasions inside your mouth and can be caused by biting your mouth, stress, drinking coffee etc. Cold sores (oral herpes) can be spread by someone else.

Is it normal to have 5 cold sores on your mouth?

Outbreaks of multiple canker sores can and do occur (in contrast to the classic single ulcer form). Usually the total number of canker sores that will form at one time will be six or fewer. If multiple canker sores do develop they tend to be widely distributed throughout the person's mouth (as opposed to being clustered together).