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We have to use less energy because most of our energy comes from non-renewable fossil fuels like coal, oil and natural gas. Fossil fuels are in short supply. They also cause pollution and add carbon dioxide to the greenhouse layer when they are burnt to produce electricity.

Other ways of producing electricity from renewable resources like solar, wind, tides, rivers, ocean waves and geothermal heat are still being experimented with. They are not yet able to produce enough electricity for the world.

Until they do, we have to cut down our use of energy from fossil fuels.

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15y ago
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1w ago

Wasting energy contributes to environmental degradation by increasing greenhouse gas emissions and depleting finite resources. Conserving energy helps reduce carbon footprint, combat climate change, and lower energy costs for individuals and businesses. Furthermore, being mindful of energy usage promotes sustainability and a healthier planet for future generations.

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13y ago

We should conserve energy to save our non-renewable resources and to help the environment. We should also help conserve energy so that other generations may have the same leisures that we have...I hope this will answer your question...Thank you

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12y ago

because the world is using them at break-neck speed. if we didnt conserve it we would be rummaging thought the garbage before you know it.
So we don't use them all up straight away. If we do, we're screwed

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12y ago

So that:

1) So we can keep making electricity and other products.

2) So that it won't run out.

3) And most importantly..... So that there will be enough energy for everyone!

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13y ago

This would require a long explanation, but in summary:

  • Energy is a limited resource, and
  • In many cases, the use of certain energy sources has environmental problems, sometimes severe ones.
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9y ago

Understanding energy consumption will help you manage how you use energy. With better use of energy, you can reduce your utility bills.

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10y ago

Because conventional methods for generating electric power are wasteful of the fuel that is used, which is often carbon fuel that produces carbon dioxide.

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15y ago

It is good for the environment.

You can save money.

You can get more life out of the energy products you use.

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