

Why is it important that air keeps everyone alive?

Updated: 8/20/2019
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12y ago

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Because suffocation doesn't seem to do the trick.

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Q: Why is it important that air keeps everyone alive?
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What are the important of air?

The most important aspect of air is that it keeps humans and animals alive. The air contains the oxygen that we need to breathe.

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It keeps us alive. If the air is polluted , we would breathe in a bad kind of air.

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oxygen ( or air )

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Oxygen keeps animals alive, Nitrogen is not much use.

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it keeps your lungs healthy and other air can be foul and full of chemicals that will harm your lungs

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some cons to air pollution are that you still get to use cars and buses around. air pollution is also the air you and me breathe in everyday, its what keeps us alive. I really was not sure if this was right or not. Thank you so much hope you understood

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it keeps us alive. it holds in are air. it blocks the suns harmfull rays. it breaks up space rocks when the fall twards earth.

What keeps the plane in the air?

wings and speed are the main sources that keeps planes in the air! you can find out more by google it

What speed does it take to keep a jet in air?

Propulsion is what keeps a jet in the air. Otherwise the plane has to fall down. Propulsion keeps the air always flowing over the wing which in turn keeps the plane afloat.