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Q: Why is it important that an International Date Line runs through Pacific Ocean from the North Pole to the South Pole?
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International date line passes through where?

Through the Pacific Ocean, and between the north pole and the south pole.

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What is international dateline have to do with Texas?

The International Date Line runs from north pole to south pole through mostly the Pacific Ocean and is the longitude where the day changes crossing east to west. It doesn't really have anything to do with the State of Texas.

Why is northwest passage important?

It is important as a shipping route connecting the Atlantic and Pacific oceans in the north.

Are the prime meridian and the international date line the same?

No. They're exactly on opposite sides of the Earth. The Prime Meridian connects the north and south poles running through England, and the International Dateline closely follows the meridian of 180° longitude, connecting the poles and running through the Pacific Ocean.

What is the imaginary strip running down the middle of the Atlantic ocean from the north pole to the north pole?

Do you mean the international dateline that runs north to south across the pacific? I'm pretty sure it is the Prime Meridian. But I'm not positive, so don't count on it. The prime meridian runs through greenwich (i.e. the opposite of the international dateline), not the Atlantic.

Which two plates run through California?

The Pacific and North American Plates.

What was the Long searched for route from the Atlantic to the pacific through north America?

the northwest passage

Are the prime meridian and the international date line the same thing?

The difference is 180 degrees of longitude. They're two different [imaginary] lines on the earth's surface, directly opposite each other. The Prime Meridian connects the north and south poles and runs through Europe and Africa. The International Date Line also connects the north and south poles, but runs down the other side of the earth, through the Pacific Ocean. If you stand at any point on either one of them (except at the north or south pole), then you can't see any point on the other one.

Is the Pacific Ocean the same as the North Pacific Ocean?

Basically. There's a North Pacific and a South Pacific. I think. (ex: the North Pacific garbage thing)

If you flying over the international date line which ocean is below you?

Most likely the Pacific Ocean, though it might be the Arctic Ocean if you are close to the north pole at the time.

What is the imaginary line drawn though the earth from the north to the south pole?

The one that goes down through the Atlantic Ocean is the Prime Meridian, and the other that goes down through the Pacific Ocean is the International Date Line.========The Prime Meridian and the International Date Line follow the surface of the earth. If you really mean a line through the earth from pole to pole, that would be the axis.