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Q: Why is it important that living organisms have enzymes to help with digestion?
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What is important about enzyme catalysis in living organisms?

Enzymes are very important because they speed up the chemical reactions that are required for life.

How do these important material by living things move into their bodies and to the parts of the organisms where they are needed?

Well, by ingestion, digestion, and circulation.

Why are enzymes necessary for the metabolism of living organisms?

There are several enzymes that are necessary for the metabolism of living organisms. Some of them include bile, pancreatic fluid and carbohydrates.

Are enzymes alive?

They are proteins produced by living organisms.

What are the most common catalysts in living organisms?

In humans at least, enzymes are called bio-catalysts.

List at least four functions of enzymes?

Enzymes serve a wide variety of functions inside living organisms, Enzymes are catalysts that speeds up the digestion of food. Enzymes are responsible for the synthesis of DNA. Enzymes break down starch into glucose, breaks down protein into amino acid, and breaks lipids down into fatty acids.

What are enzymes..?

Enzymes are a type of protein that significantly speed up the rate of chemical reactions within cells. They are vital for life and serve a wide range of important functions in the body, such as aiding in digestion and metabolism. Enzyme is also a catalyst that regulates the rate at which chemical reactions proceed in living organisms without itself being altered in the process.

Where do you find biological catalyst?

These catalysts are called enzymes and exist in living organisms.

Is the rock cycle important to living organisms?

no. it is the other way around. living organisms are important to the rock cycle.

What all do reactions involving enzymes have in common?

Enzymes are substances produced by living organisms, which are designed to act as a catalyst in biochemical reactions.

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