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So all applicable parties get a chance to express their views.

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Q: Why is it important that the team's purpose be collaboratively developed?
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Related questions

Why is it important that the teams purpose and role be collaboratively developed?

It is important that the team's purpose and role be collaboratively developed for a few reasons. One reason is so that there is no resentment among any members in the group.

Is it possible to first be in the NBA D-Leauge and then the NBA?

Yes, the D stands for Developmental, meaning... the purpose of the league is to get athletes who may not quite be ready for the NBA DEVELOPED, so that they can be an asset to their parent organization. Teams in the NBA-D are affiliated with NBA teams.

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Having equal teams is important because you have the same ability the same power.

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The main purpose of a soccer (or football) club is to organize, develop, and promote its team (or teams).

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Greed of the owners

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because they want the teams to look good on television

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How the group comes into an agreement

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Real Madrid & FC Barcalona

Who came up with the idea of football teams?

The person generally credited with the game that developed into the North American Football is William Webb Ellis.

What is the purpose of a test match at a sporting event?

A test match is when two international teams play against each other at a sporting event. The purpose of this is to find out which nation is the best at that particular sport.

Types of teamwork?

A team is defined as a group of people who work together to achieve a goal or purpose. The six basic types of teams are: informal, traditional, self-directed, leadership, problem solving, and virtual teams.

What is the purpose of exchanging baskets at halftime?

So its fair to both teams & makes the game more even by letting both teams use both baskets and go both ways so the teams don't express that they lost because the basket they were shooting on was bent or there was a glare in the way!!!