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For any student compiling a resume or curriculum vitae can be difficult. In general employers look for capability and employement when reading through a resume application for employment. Many students do not have formal employment to be able to sell themselves when building a resume. Therefore, it is good practice to utilise skills and experience developed in the educatuional environment. E.g To highlight team skills use your sporting activities from team sports, are you part of a drama group, a musician playing in a group, band orchestra even s choir requires team interaction. Have you taken a lead in some event, maybe supported other learners. Compiling these activites and interpreting them in a format that a potential employer will associate with their environment will have a very positive effect. Added to this is the simple fact that leaving it until the resume is actually required causes you to build a chrisis resume - it will be fragmented, you will not have recolection of events, dates and outcomes to fall back on.

Have 2 resumes - 1 will contain "everything you can put in - the other will be very specific to each employer using the master resume you can pick out good points to place a the second resume

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Q: Why is it important to consider your resume when you are in high school?
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Typically, education is at the bottom of the resume. High School info isn't expected on a resume, just make sure you spell the word College, correctly ;)

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Depends. If you are appliying fo a high school yeah. If a job, no (unless you havent had high school)

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The motto of Modbury High School is 'Consider The End'.

What kind of description does a high school student put on a resume?

most high schools wont ask for a resume but if the high school you wish to go to ask you for one then you wold write what extra activities you have done and your grade 8 marks. And also y you wont to be in that school and your previous achievements and your interests.

Why high school is important?

As highlighted by the American Academy, statistics show that more than 60% of job opportunities in the skilled labor force require a high school diploma. There are also a number of employers who will not even consider hiring a candidate that did not graduate high school. Therefore not only is a high school diploma and education important, but absolutely necessary in this downturned economy.

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Yes or they will not consider you and possibly consider you stupid.

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Being over confident in job objectives and suggestions Be more precise and make your resume short and simple. Employers do not want a flashy resume.

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It IS important.

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Why is EQAO so important?

EQAO (Education Quality and Accountability Office) is important as it assesses and measures student achievement in key subjects like math and literacy. It provides valuable data on student performance, helping to identify areas for improvement in the education system. EQAO results can also inform educational policies and practices to ensure student success.

How does an employer know if you are a high school graduate?

Because you are supposed to list that under the Education section of your resume. They can then verify that information by calling or writing the school.

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Hello. I would seriously re-consider your options. Kirrawee High is a horrible school. Bad welfare program and overall teachers do not give a ^&**. For the sake of your education- consider your options.