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Q: Why is it important to have about the same number of subtopics under each topic?
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What does the word subtopics mean?

A topic is what you are going to talk about. The prefix "Sub" means "under" and implies the things you are more specifically going to talk about that are also under the main things you are going to talk about. If your topic is horses, your subtopics might be Arabians or Shetland ponies.

What are topics and subtopics included in a document?

Topics are the main overarching themes or subjects covered in a document, while subtopics are more specific sections or details that fall under each topic. Subtopics help to organize and break down information within a larger topic, providing a more detailed look at the subject matter.

Ways of Limiting a topic?

Narrow down the scope of the topic by focusing on a specific aspect or angle. Set clear boundaries or criteria for what will be included or excluded in the discussion. Define the time frame, geographic location, or specific population relevant to the topic. Identify key subtopics that fall under the main topic for more detailed exploration.

What is the afterlife for an Confucius's?

This is the Afterlife for every human being. Find the details under 9 Chapters and many subtopics describing everything in detail starting from this life to the afterlife in timeorder.

What general heading under which key ideas of a paragraph are grouped is called?

Main idea

Is there a way to see how many questions are in a topic?

Yes, when you go to a category at the top of the page under the category title you will see the total number of questions in that category.

What word begins with U that is opposite of over?


Can I major in political science and become a lawyer?

The topic of your under graduate degree is not important. It is better to have good grades and complete it. Law Schools like a variety of students.

What is the topic for?

Poodles which can be found under dog breeds which can most likely be found under dogs under animals.

What animal group does the centipedes fall under?

Centipedes are under the topic of Arthropods. Now, personaly I didn't know that, but I read this question is in centipedes, UNDER ARTHROPODS.

What is the topic for poodle?

Poodles which can be found under dog breeds which can most likely be found under dogs under animals.

What is a limited topic sentence?

A limited topic sentences helps to establish the boundaries of what the writer is going to write about under a broader topic. The sentence usually contains the topic and an assertion of fact or feeling about that topic.