

Why is it important to make multiple email accounts?

Updated: 8/20/2019
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12y ago

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to not get hacked. if one acount gets hacked you delete it and use your other ones. i have 7! my brother has 10! sadly my friend had one and she got hacked lol.

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The only way to have to RuneScape accounts without making a new e-mail is to already have two accounts and then register only ONE of them. You cannot have two accounts now unless you have multiple e-mail addresses also. If you have multiple e-mails, then you can just make two or more accounts and register each with a different e-mail. However, if Jagex finds out, then the accounts known may be banned forever.

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No you cant. just make a fake email and use it just to get the confirmation code. then never access the email again. the reason why you can't is because it takes the point away. one person only needs one profile and there is absolutely no reason as to why someone would need two. There's only so much to say about yourself. this also lowers clutter of useless/unused myspace accounts!

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