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There are quite a few reasons but here is the main one:

God created us and gave us all this, we owe him as much as 5 prayers a day, spare only a few minutes of our lives to remember him.

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Q: Why is it important to pray in Islam?
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Why are the prayer positions important in Islam?

to pray perfectly

Which pray was The first pray of Islam and who performed it?

which pray was the first pray in Islam and who performed it and where.

Where Do Islam's Pray?

everywhere. but especially in mosques.

Why do you pray in Islam?

Muslims pray in Islam because it is one of the 5 pillars to pray. It is also one of the most important things in Islam that help define a Muslim and differentiates them between the other religions. Lastly, Allah ordered us to and the Prophet p.b.u.h. prayed so we follow his example.

How year old do you have to be when you have to pray in Islam?

A person of any age can pray in Islam as long as they have good intent.

Where did Islam pray at?

at a mosque

Why is the direction they face when praying important to Muslims?

Muslims pray facing the holiest of cities in Islam--Mecca, Saudi Arabia.

Where do people of Islam pray?

in the chapel

Who do Islam pray to?

Muslims, Islamic people. pray to Allah, whom they believe is god.

Do Islams pray five times a day?

Islam is a religion, it doesn't pray. Muslims, however, "the people of Islam" are required to pray five times a day. Apart from these prayers, there are also optional prayers.

Can you pray with jewelry in Islam?

no you cannot pray with jewellery oviously if you read the hadith you would have known

When can't Islam people pray?

when they're asleep