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If a doctor or someone else told you that it's important to reduce your dietary intake of cholesterol, then they were wrong.

It's true that someone should not go crazy and eat a pound of chicken or beef liver or a pound of shrimp or a pound of lobster with real butter all over it or a pound of bacon every day, but the amount of cholesterol one gets from a normal, meat-eating diet is a small percentage of the amount of cholesterol that person's liver (the liver is the primary cholesterol factory, but not the only one) makes on its own, plus the liver produces less cholesterol when cholesterol is consumed, therefore dietary cholesterol has no effect on ones total cholesterol level unless that person goes nuts and eats a whole lot of it.

One more thing; although one large egg yolk does contain about 90 mg of cholesterol, multiple studies have proven that the cholesterol in eggs does not increase ones cholesterol. It was theorized that there was some chemical compound in eggs that prevented them from raising a person's "bad" cholesterol, which is vLDL, and LDL cholesterols. That compound was subsequently discovered and found to be the B vitamin choline and one form of it called phosphatidyl choline. Egg yolks contain lecithin, and lecithin is made of phospholipids including phosphatidyl inositol and phosphatidyl serine - essential compounds for the body. Finally, not only do eggs not raise someones cholesterol, they actually increase the level of "good," or HDL cholesterol.

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Dietary cholesterol should be limited because it can clog your arteries.

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