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Q: Why is it important to remember that Snowball and Boxer were given medals after the Battle of the Cowshed?
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What battle was snowball injured in?

Snowball was injured at the Battle of the Cowshed.

Why are snowball and boxer decorated?

for bravery in the battle of cowshed

Why is it important to remember that snowball and boxer were given medals after the battle of the cowshed in the book animal farm?

It is important to remember that Snowball and Boxer were given medals after the Battle of the Cowshed in "Animal Farm" because it highlights their bravery and contributions to the revolution. By honoring them, the animals acknowledge their sacrifices and commitment to the cause, inspiring others to follow their example. Additionally, it emphasizes the early ideals of equality and recognition for hard work that are later corrupted by the pigs' manipulation of power.

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What award is boxer and snowball given?

Boxer is awarded the "Animal Hero, Second Class" medal, while Snowball is awarded the "Animal Hero, First Class" medal for their roles in the Battle of the Cowshed.

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He was in charge of the defensive operations.

Who won the Battle of Cowshed award in Animal Farm?

Snowball, but when Napoleon took over he was presented it instead for convincing everyone that Snowball does not deserve it.

What are words that describe snowball in the book animal farm chapter 1-5?

"the only good human is a dead human" said by snowball to boxer after the battle of the cowshed

Where is Napoleon during the battle of the cowshed in animal farm?

Napoleon is not explicitly mentioned in the book during the Battle of the Cowshed. In the 1999 movie, he is not fighting, but either in the fields or barn, watching. Later in the book, however, he does manipulate history so that the animals think he was at the forefront of the battle, rather than Snowball.

What new information does squealer reveal about snowball?

It now appeared that Snowball had not, as theanimals had previously imagined, merely attempted to lose the Battle ofthe Cowshed by means of a stratagem, but had been openly fighting onJones's side.

Which animals were executed in Animal Farm?

Boxer, the horse, was wounded. He worked himself so hard that he injured his lungs. He also hurt one of his hoofs. Clover fixed his hoof but Napoleon sold Boxer to the knacker after he injured his lungs. There were several animals that were killed. Snowball was injured in the Battle of the Cowshed.

What was Napoleon part in the battle of the cowshed?

Napolean was not present in the battle of Cowshed. He, Squealer, and Mollie were missing