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Because lightning is attracted to water.

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Q: Why is it important to stop swimming or boating during a thunderstorm?
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Can you bring your teddy hamster outside?

no, because taco will eat burrito and choke on some coke while swimming during a thunderstorm

Why is it important to stay inside during a thunderstorm?

If you are out side,your chances of being struck is higher then when you are inside.

Is it dangerous to be near a lake during a thunderstorm?

Yes, it is dangerous to be near a lake during a thunderstorm as water can conduct electricity, increasing the risk of being struck by lightning. Seek shelter indoors during a thunderstorm to stay safe.

What type of weather is it during a thunderstorm?


What type of clouds are there during a thunderstorm?


Is during a thunderstorm a sentence?

No. It is a prepositional phrase It does not have a subject or verb and does not express a complete thought. And example of a sentence with this phrase is: "The tree fell during a thunderstorm."

What is the primary danger in a thunder storm?

The primary danger in a thunderstorm is the risk of being struck by lightning. Lightning can cause severe injuries or even death. It is important to seek shelter indoors or in a vehicle to stay safe during a thunderstorm.

What is the second stage during a thunderstorm?

The Mature stage

Where should you not be during a thunderstorm?

Standing Under A tree!

What problems can be caused to a Giraffe during a thunderstorm?


During which stage of a thunderstorm does rain begin to fall?

The stage of a thunderstorm that rain begins to fall is when the clouds begin to turn black and during and after the lightning strikes.

Why do lighting and thunder occur during a thunderstorm?

Because if there wasn't thunder or lightning, it wouldn't be called a thunderstorm.