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To not have anything that was not supposed to react with the chemicals in the container. Example: Oxygen, and other gases in the air reacting with an experiment that you are working on.

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Studying chemical reactions in closed containers allows researchers to control the experimental conditions more accurately, preventing the loss of reactants or interference from external factors. It also helps in understanding the stoichiometry of the reaction and determining the reaction rate. Additionally, studying reactions in closed containers can provide insights into the energetics and equilibrium of the process.

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Q: Why is it important to study chemical ractions in closed containers?
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Why you can't store gases in open containers?

Gases can't be stored in open containers because the gas will escape into the atmosphere. Gases have the tendency to occupy all the space that is available to them. If I have to explain it i would tell you to imagine molecules as small children who love huge spaces so that they can run around, gas molecules are exactly that.

What is the function of a reagent bottle in laboratory apparatus?

A reagent bottle is used to store and dispense chemical reagents in the laboratory. It helps keep the reagents safe from contamination and degradation. The bottle typically has a narrow neck and a lid that can be securely closed to prevent spills and ensure proper storage conditions.

What is the difference between a closed system and open system chemical reactions?

In a closed system, no matter can enter or leave the system, while in an open system matter can enter or leave the system. This means that closed systems are isolated from their surroundings, while open systems can exchange matter with their surroundings. Chemical reactions that occur in closed systems can potentially reach equilibrium, while those in open systems may continue until one or more reactants are depleted.

Why do you think it is important to not wear open shoes in lab?

It is important to not wear open shoes in a lab to prevent accidental spills or splashes from coming into contact with your feet. Closed-toe shoes provide a physical barrier of protection against chemical spills, broken glass, or other hazards that could cause injury. Additionally, closed shoes offer greater stability and support while working in a laboratory environment.

What is the significance of the closed or open shell in the periodic law?

The closed or open shell in an atom refers to the arrangement of electrons in its electron shells. Atoms with closed shells are more stable and less likely to react, following the octet rule. This influences the chemical properties and reactivity of elements in the periodic table.

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Is there an expired date for salt?

Salt in closed containers had not a term of expiration.

How do you release animals in containers in Zoo empire?

Its captured coz its fence is not closed there is a space where it can get out just move to a closed of area

Why containers containing ammonium chloride should always be kept in closed containers?

Ammonium chloride is easily decomposed and NH3 and HCl are released.

How might you keep water from evaporating?

Keep water in firmly closed containers.

An instrument used to measure the pressure of gases in closed containers is a?


What salt is durable?

All types of sodium chloride are durable if they are maintained in tightly closed containers.

What kind of salt is durable?

All types of sodium chloride are durable if they are maintained in tightly closed containers.

Could gas and liquids flow into a container?

Although they are both fluids, it depends on the type of container.Liquids can usually be carried in open- or closed- containers. Mugs and glasses (tumblers) are examples of open containers. A soda bottle with a screwcap or any kind of container that seals the contents against the atmosphere are examples of closed containers.Liquids carried in closed containers may need protecting from the atmosphere (brake fluid is hygroscopic and the container must always be sealed when stored) or it may be that the liquid gives off fumes (like ammonia) which may harm the carrier or the environment.Unless they are particularly heavy, gases are generally only carried in closed or sealed containers as they may cause harm to the environment.

Is argon a dangerous thing?

Normally no. But it is dense and so in closed containers it can fill up the bottom. This can result in death by asphyxiation.

What is the time it takes for a candle to go out in closed containers of different volumes?

When it burns the contained oxygen you are done. This will be different for the different volumes.

Is it important to have closed captions on my videos on youtube?

It is not important to have closed captions on videos on you tube because they are just subtitles and not necessary.

Closed systems exchange energy but do not exchange?

Closed systems exchange energy with their surroundings in the form of heat or work, but do not exchange matter. This means that the total amount of mass in a closed system remains constant over time. Examples of closed systems include sealed containers and insulated thermos flasks.