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Q: Why is it important to take body temperature oral and rectal thermometer?
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What are the ways of getting the body temperature?

oral thermometer rectal thermometer aural thermometer feeling the forehead with your hand

What is the difference between an oral thermometer and a rectal thermometer?

An oral thermometer is designed to be used in the mouth to measure body temperature, while a rectal thermometer is inserted into the rectum for a more accurate reading of core body temperature. Rectal thermometers are typically more accurate but may be less comfortable to use.

What is the difference between a rectal thermometer and an oral thermometer?

The tastes differ. An oral thermometer has a longer slender end that's inserted (into the mouth), compared to a rectal thermometer that has a short bulbous end inserted (into the rectum). The bulb reduces the chance of tearing the rectal wall, especially in infants. Some digital models have a setting for rectal vs. oral on the unit. The rectal temperature is known to be a little warmer and more accurate to body temperature. If you still have a glass and Mercury thermometer, be aware that mercury is a deadly toxin, and consider replacing the thermometer with a digital model.

When would measure the body temperature of a person?

You could use an ear thermometer or a tongue thermometer or a forehead thermometer or a rectal thermometer or even a liver probe im some situations. But to answer the question body temperature is taken whenever someone is thought to be ill as it is generally a noninvasie tool to assist diagnosis.

What is the rectal body temperature for rabbit?

the rectal body temperature of a rabbit is 37oC-39oC

How can you measure a body temperature?

What kind of thermometer you use to measure the body temperature

Can body temperature be measured by keeping the thermometer at some place other than the mouth?

Yes. Temperature can be taken under the armpit (auxilla region), on the forehead using a thermometer strip (normally used for infants) and rectally using a rectal thermometer.

What is a fever thermometer?

a fever thermometer, is a thermometer that you can use to check your body temperature.

Is a rectal temp more accurate than a oral temp?

In terms of accurate, it is assumed the questioner means with respect to core body temperature. Skin temperature is influenced by the ambient (air) temperature, and is therefore not an accurate reflection of the core body temperature. Positioning the thermometer under the tongue yields a close reflection to core body temperature, but this procedure is not always practical, especially with infants and animals. Rectal temperature measures the temperature inside the body cavity, and is therefore a very accurate reflection of the true core body temperature. Furthermore, the rectal temperature can be readily obtained in most cases.

What instrument measures body temperature?

A thermometer is used to meusure your body temperature either it can be clinical thermometer or digital thermometer.

Which thermometer would you use to measure the temperature of the body temperature of a patient?

Clinical thermometer

What is the temperature in the center of the brain?

Same as your rectal temperature or core body temperature.