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Q: Why is it important to take good notes when you are conducting an experiment?
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Why is repitition important in an experiment?

When conducting an experiment, repitition is often a good idea. This is because the data from different repeated trials could well very, meaning that the more repeated trials you have, the more accurate your final data is bound to be.

Why is it important to take good notes and record all data when performing and experiment?

Without recording all data and taking good notes, you will not have any viable results. If you don't know what happened, you cannot come to any conclusions. If you only know the end result, it means nothing without knowing how the end result came to be.

Why is taking good notes important for your future?

Well if you are talking about school you should take good notes so you can study, do well on the test, get food grades, get into a good college, and have a good career. All this from taking notes. Haha

Why is the controls important in an experiment?

The control is whatever you base your experiment on. No control = you can't compare your data to anything = good luck making sense out of your experiment. You aren't following the scientific method if there is no control.

Is brass good at conducting electricity?

All metals are electrically conductive.

Are notebooks good to have?

Yes! Notebooks are brilliant for jotting little but important notes down quickly.

Why is the control variable in an experiment important?

The control is whatever you base your experiment on. No control = you can't compare your data to anything = good luck making sense out of your experiment. You aren't following the scientific method if there is no control.

What are two things metals are good at conducting?

Depending on the metal, heat and electricity are two main things that metal are good at conducting.

What are the characteristicsof a good experiment?

There are many characteristics present during a good experiment. For example, if the experiment provides unbiased estimates for uncertainties and factor effects then the experiment should be considered good.

Do you need to have a control for an experiment on which place is the dirtiest in the house?

You need a control for any experiment. It doesn't sound like this particular experiment is of the utmost importance but it's a good habit to get into if you plan more important ones. I have no idea what the control would be.

What is a good name for a soda experiment?

the soda experiment

What is a good science experiment that you can do?

a good science experiment is a 3d plant cell model