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Q: Why is it imposible to attain the absolute zero temperature?
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The impossibility of reaching a temperature of absolute zero is incorporated in?

The Third Law of Thermodynamics."Absolute zero (0 K) is the lower limit of temperature. The temperature of absolute zero cannot be attained physically because to do so would require virtually all the heat to be taken from an object. Therefore, it is impossible to attain a temperature of absolute zero."

Is zero degrees Kelvin absolute temperature?

It is absolute zero.

What is the temperature at which all molecular motion stops?

This is called absolute zero. The temperature is 0 Kelvin or -273.15 degrees Celsius.

Is there absolute maximum temperature like absolute zero minimum temperature?


What scale shows absolute zero as zero?

Kelvin temperature scale uses absolute zero as the zero. Though you can find absolute zero in all temperature scales i.e. −459.67 degrees Fahrenheit and -273.15 degrees Celsius. But Kelvin is the scale that absolute zero is 0.

How do you use absolute zero in a sentence?

Nothing moves when the temperature is at absolute zero.

What effects would lower the temperature at absolute zero have on brownian motion?

You cannot lower the temperature if you are at absolute zero.

What is the difference between kelvin and absolute kelvin?

Kelvin is the absolute temperature - a temperature where absolute zero, the lowest temperature possible, is defined as zero. Therefore, in the phrase "absolute Kelvin", the word "absolute" seems redundant.

Do molecules disappear at absolute zero?

No. They are as frozen still as they can ever be. It is said to be scientifically impossible to actually reach absolute zero.

What temperature scale includes absolute zero?

The Kelvin Scale contains absolute zero.

The lowest temperature a superconducter can work at?

0oK, or absolute zero is the lowest temperature. Superconductors have a critical temperature at which they begin to work, but it is the highest temperature, and they function as superconductors at any temperature lower, down to as close to absolute zero as they can be made to be (absolute zero is unachievable).

What is the coldest temperature in existence?

Absolute zero, around -270 C.See related link.