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Q: Why is it mechanially that each rib curve outward then forward then downward?
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Why does a ball that is thrown straight curve downward?

A ball thrown straight will curve downward due to the pull of gravity acting on it. As the ball moves forward, gravity exerts a downward force on it, causing it to follow a curved path towards the ground. This downward curve is influenced by factors such as air resistance and the initial velocity and angle at which the ball was thrown.

What lenses bows outward?

A lenses that curve outward is convex.A lenses that curve inward is concave.

Why does a production possibility curve have a downward sloping curve?

PPC curve slopes downward for the efficient resouress of another commidty

Why Demand Curve slopes downward from left to right?

why demand curve slopes downward from left to the right

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There is as such no difference between them

What happens to an arch when downward force is applied?

When a downward force is applied to an arch, the structure experiences compression along its curve. This compression helps the arch distribute the force downward and outward along its sides, transferring the load to its supporting abutments. As a result, the arch becomes more stable and can withstand the applied force.

What role does density play in nature?

Density is important in nature as it affects the distribution of living organisms and resources. Higher density can lead to increased competition for resources such as food and space, while lower density can allow for more space and resources for individuals. Density can also impact the functioning and stability of ecosystems, influencing factors like predation, disease transmission, and population dynamics.

Is The aggregate demand curve downward sloping for the same reason that the demand curve for a single good is downward sloping?

true because it is still supply and demand downward sloping

Is the outward curve of the production possibilities curve good or bad?

it really good

How does a market demand curve differ from a demand curve How are they similar?

downward sloping

Why demand curve slopes downward?

Demand curve is slope downward because of inverse relationship between price and quantity.

What is the typical slope of a demand curve?
