

Why is it necessary the cell copies its DNA?

Updated: 10/27/2021
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6y ago

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cells must copy their DNA to replicate

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Iva Braun

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Q: Why is it necessary the cell copies its DNA?
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What copies the DNA in the cell cycle?

DNA is replicated in the Synthesis stage of the cell cycle.

What happens during S phase of the cell cycle?

This is the phase in which DNA is replicated.

When the cell has not yet gone through mitosis does the cell do anything to the DNA?

The DNA makes copies of its self.

Why is it important for a cell to have two copies of DNA before it enters the division phase mitosis?

It is important for a cell to have two copies of DNA before it enters the division phase of mitosis because each new cell will require a copy of the DNA. The copies are shared between the divided cells.

Why is it necessary for a virus to invade a living cell to make copies of itself?

Since viruses are nonliving they have to invade and hijack a living cells DNA to make more copies of itself. If it cannot do this it cannot make more copies of itself.

Does a cell increase in size and usually makes copies for its DNA?

True.When a cells size increases,it can't transfer enough nutrients throughout the cell if the cell size is big.So it makes copies of its DNA

What is the process by which a cell makes a copy in meiosis?

Before meiosis begins, the cell copies its DNA in the process of DNA replication.

Why does DNA make copies?

as cell divides the DNA also hav to divide to b transfferd in to newly formed cell so for that DNA divides

What gives a cell DNA?

The enzymes responsible for DNA replication create copies of existing DNA which become then part of the new cell created after mitosis.

When a cell undergoes mitosis the daughter cells must inherit what?

Mitosis is the cellular division process not involved in sexual reproduction. In mitosis each daughter cell inherits an exact copy of the parent DNA as well as a portion of the mitochondria necessary for life.

How does a virus multiplied?

A virus injects its DNA into the host cell making it produce multiple copies of that DNA and multiple copies of the protein capsule of that virus. After a while, the host cell becomes full of many copies of that virus, then the host cell explodes releasing all the new viruses. If the host cell is a bacterium and the the virus is a bacterophage, this phenomenon is done in two ways either by the lytic cycle in which virus DNA survives and the bacterial cell is destroyed,or the lysogenic cycle in which virus DNA is incorporated in the host cell DNA.

What is copies during replication?

A cell's DNA is copied during replication.