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Q: Why is it necessary to keep the dialysis tubing moist during the beginning of the procedure?
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Why Blood cannot flow out during dialysis process?

during dialysis the blood is is flowin through a closed system

What are two types of dialysis?

There are two methods of dialysis in use: hemodialysis (blood dialysis) and peritoneal dialysis (dialysis in the abdominal cavity). In hemodialysis, the dialysis membrane is made up of cellophane or other synthetic material that assists in the removal of impurities from the blood by their passage through these semipermeable membranes in a fluid bath. In peritoneal dialysis, the surface area of the peritoneum acts as the membrane. Dialysis fluid is introduced into the peritoneal cavity and then periodically removed along with the waste products. This procedure may be done at intervals throughout the day or during the night.

What happens during kidney dialysis?

Toxins and waste are filtered from the kidneys

Is it OK to say during the beginning period of the project?

Of course it is! It's totally necessary in any reasonable situation.

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What happens during dialysis?

Toxins and waste are filtered from the kidneys

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Is gastric banding expensive?

Insurance may cover the procedure if it is deemed medically necessary and a pre-authorization and medical review is received. The cost of the procedure can range anywhere from $12,000 to $25,000 depending on any complications that arise during the procedure.

What is the aftercare for patients who have undergone dialysis?

Both hemodialysis and peritoneal dialysis patients need to be vigilant about keeping their access sites and catheters clean and infection-free during and between dialysis runs

What type of anesthetic do they give you during LASIK?

For both LASIK and PRK, the patient's eye is numbed with anesthetic drops. No injections are necessary. The patient is awake and relaxed during the procedure.

What is the effect of mannitol during dialysis?

Mannitol is given to raise blood pressure during hemodialysis

What is needed to do a bowel cleanse?

One should always talk to a local certified physician before beginning any cleansing program, and bowel cleansing usually require prescription so please contact a physician to do the cleaning.