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Taking both the upper and lower vernier readings of the theodolite helps to eliminate any errors caused by misalignment or wear in the instrument, resulting in a more accurate measurement. Comparing the two readings can also help detect any potential issues with the theodolite's precision.

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Q: Why is it necessary to take both the vernier readings of theodolite?
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Why do you need macrosociolgy and microsociology?

Macrosociology focuses on large-scale social structures and institutions, providing a broader understanding of society. Microsociology, on the other hand, examines individual interactions and behaviors. Both perspectives are necessary to gain a comprehensive view of how society operates, as they offer insights into different levels of social organization and dynamics.

What is the meaning of social control?

Social control refers to the mechanisms, strategies, and institutions that societies use to maintain order and conformity among their members. It encompasses both formal systems of control like laws and regulations, as well as informal mechanisms such as social norms and expectations that influence individual behavior. Social control is necessary for preserving stability and functioning of a society.

Is social Darwinism and eugenics similar?

Social Darwinism and eugenics share some similarities in that both ideologies were based on the belief of improving human populations through interventions such as selective breeding. However, social Darwinism focused more on societal organization and natural selection, while eugenics specifically targeted genetics and selective reproduction to achieve desired outcomes. Both ideas have been widely discredited due to their association with harmful practices and discrimination.

What is the oldest living constitution?

The oldest living constitution is considered to be the Constitution of the United States, written in 1787 and ratified in 1788. It has been in continuous effect for over 230 years with various amendments and interpretations.

Describe functionalism when speaking of social inequality?

Functionalism is a theoretical perspective that views society as a complex system with interrelated parts that work together to maintain stability and order. In terms of social inequality, functionalists see it as necessary for society to function smoothly, as it motivates individuals to work hard and strive for success. They argue that some degree of inequality is inevitable and serves a purpose in promoting competition and efficiency within society.

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Because you need to have the same number from both. Otherwise the readings would not be able to match up.

What unit does a theodolite measure?

A theodolite is used to measure angles of a plane. This can be both vertical or horizontal, and it is used with high precision.

What instrument can be used to measure both internal and external diameter?

vernier calliper scale. give us reading upto two places right side from decimal

What is the difference in between levelling machine and theodolite?

Dumpty level can be used only for vertical measurements while a theodolite functions in both horizontal and vertical measurements.

What are the differences between a theodolite and a tacheometre?

when theodolite is fixed with analytic lens then it is called tachometer, without the analytic lens the instrument would be called as constant zero.

Procedure of theodolite methods in setting out of stage?

Procedure:- 1) Let LOM is the horizontal angle to be measured as shown in fig. O is the station point fixed on the ground by a peg. Set up the theodolite over the peg 'o' and level it accurately. 2) Set the horizontal graduated circle vernier A to read zero or 360° by upper clamp screw and slow motion screw. Clamp the telescope to bisect the bottom shoe of the flag fixed at point 'L' and tighten the lower clamp. Exactly intersect the centre of the bottom shoe by means of lower slow motion screw. Check that the face of the theodolite should be left and the telescope in normal position. 3) Check the reading of the vernier A to see that no slip has occurred .Also see that the plate levels are in the centre of their run. Read the vernier B also. 4) Release the upper clamp screw and turn the theodolite clockwise. Biset the flag bottom shoe fixed at point M by a telescope. Tighten the upper clamp screw and bisect the shoe exactly by means of upper slow motion screw. 5) Note the reading on both the vernier to get the approximate value of the angle LOM. 6) Release the lower clamp screw and rotate the theodolite anticlockwise ai azimuth. Bisect again the bottom shoe of the flag at 'L' and tighten the lower clamp screw. By means of slow motion screw bisect exactly the centre of the shoe. 7) Release now the upper clamp screw and rotate the theodolite clockwise. Bisect the bottom shoe of the flag fixed at M and tighten the upper clamp screw. By means of slow motion screw bisect exactly the centre of the shoe. The vernier readings will bw now twice the of the angles. 8) Repeat the process until the angle is repeated the required number of times (usually 3). Add 360° for every complete revaluation to the final reading and divided the total angle by number of repetitions to get the value of angle LOM. 9) Change the face of the theodolite the telescope will now be inverted. Rrpeat the whole process exactly in the above manner and obtain value of angle LOM. 10)The average horizontal angle is then obtained by taking the average of the two angles obtained with face left and face right. 11)Usually three repetitions face left and three with face right should be taken and the mean angle should be calculated. by M.laxminarayaan

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What are the permanent adjustments of a theodolite?

Most theodolites have no "permanent" adjustments, since they are used to measure angles, both horizontal and vertical.

What are the axises of theodolite?

Vertical and Horizontal. These are absolutely vital. some have The Horizontal ( latitude or Azimuth) scale given priority- some the Vertical or Altitude scale, but both are essential to a true theodolite- unlike a transit or level instrument no matter how powerful the telescope.

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Who invented the theodolite?

Jonathan Sisson invented the theodolite, which measures both horizontal and vertical angles, in 1720, according to the Alberta Land Surveyor's Association. This instrument resembles a mounted telescope, and a user can adjust the height of the platform so his eyes are level with the ocular lens.

How can one look for blood preassure readings?

The best place to look for blood pressure readings is at your local doctors office or at a public health office. Both will provide you with accurate readings.