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Generally, crash dieting is not a good idea. Once your body recognizes the drastic reduction in caloric intake, it enters what is sometimes called "starvation mode" and reduces calorie consumption to conserve energy, thereby reducing the amount of fat that is lost. Furthermore, when your body has no food intake to provide energy, it turns to burning muscle (e.g. your heart) and even brain cells to secure the caloric intake it needs for you to survive and operate. A healthy caloric intake evenly spaced throughout the day with exercise 3-5 days a week is truly the only healthy way to lose weight.

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Q: Why is it not a good idea to go on a crash diet?
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What is a good crash diet to go on?

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Crash dieting can help you lose weight quickly if you have an upcoming event you need to look good for. Most crash diets work, if you follow a plan; however, there are some negative effects on your body. For more information on the effects on your body, go to this website: For types of crash dieting go here:

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Very low calorie diet are fine if you are going to be under medical supervision. Otherwise it would not be a very good idea. You should go and contact your doctor and ask them if it is okay for you to start the diet.

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A high-protein, low-calorie diet coupled with regular exercise is a good idea. And there's no need to go knocking vegetables either! A diet high in fruits and vegetables is essential to good health.

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Going on a crash diet can be very bad for you, it can cause you to faint, feel ill or even pass out and go to the hospital. This means it's possible to rack up a huge medical bill just to loose a few pounds.

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