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It is difficult because it is so hazardous to the environments that you put it in to get rid off. The effects are very dangerous to everything in that habitat and habitats around it, and the damage it causes is usually irreversible. But, this is if the hazardous material is disposed of in nature.

It is hard to store in a business environment, (and by this I mean anywhere, i.e without a covering or in a trash bin), because it can be extremely hazardous to organisms if exposed to it for too long. That is why whenever people go near hazardous material they always are supposed to wear yellow suits over their clothes to protect them. I don't know why hazardous waste is so dangerous to humans, or what it does, specifically, but i do know that it is very hard to get rid of because of the danger it poses to basically anything that is put near it.


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Burning is a chemical reaction. Chemical reactions involve transfers of electrons. Radioactivity are nuclear reactions, so it only has to do with the change of protons and neutrons

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Q: Why is it not possible to eliminate the hazard of nuclear waste by the process of incineration?
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What is the process of burning solid waste under controlled conditions?

The process of burning solid waste under controlled conditions is called incineration. Incineration reduces the volume of solid waste and is sometimes used to produce energy.

What is the difference between Incineration and Combustion?

Incineration is a type of waste treatment process that involves controlled burning of solid waste at high temperatures, while combustion is a general chemical reaction that involves the rapid oxidation of a material, often producing heat and light. In summary, incineration is a specific form of combustion that is used for waste management purposes.

What is the meaning of inceneration?

Incineration is a method of waste disposal that involves burning organic materials at high temperatures until they are reduced to ash. This process is used to reduce the volume of waste, eliminate pathogens, and generate energy. However, it can also release pollutants into the air if not properly controlled.

Is Medical waste disposal through incineration is an option?

INCINERATION OF MEDICAL WASTES Yes, you are right. Incineration is one of the options for disposal of medical waste and it is being implemented now a days. In my city, Coimbatore in TamilNadu/India, major hospitals are disposing their medical wastes in an incineration plant put up exclusively for this purpose since municipal corporation denied to collect and dispose the medical wastes generated in private hospitals. All that required attention in the incineration process is not to pollute air!

It is possible to cause artificial radioactivity by bombarding a nucleus with high velocity neutrons this process is called nuclear fission this reaction is the basiis of nuclear power stations as?

yes it is possible to do so........using Einstein's equation E=&Delta;mC2.....

What are good things about incineration?

Incineration can reduce the volume of waste by up to 90%, reducing the need for landfill space. It can also generate energy through the combustion process, providing a source of renewable energy. Additionally, modern incineration facilities employ advanced air pollution control technologies to minimize emissions.

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Incineration is used to dispose of waste materials by burning them at high temperatures. The process helps reduce the volume of waste, sterilizes hazardous materials, and produces energy in the form of heat or electricity. It is often used for municipal solid waste, medical waste, and hazardous waste.

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