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He changed the world. Jesus is the Lord and Savior, the one and only Christ. He died to save you from sin, all the bad things that you do. By saving you from sin, He gave you eternal life in Heaven. All you have to do is pray, just close your eyes, and tell Him you believe in Him. He's listening to you, and has waited for you to talk to Him. I promise He'll hear what you have to say. He is the Son of God. He came to earth, and taught His people (commonly known as the Disciples) the Word of God (aka, The Bible). He is the best known teacher in the world, even after 2,000 years! He taught to love one another, and promised He would save the world from Hell by dying and then raising Himself from the dead. Science says this is not possible, but they have found the tomb, and many other artifacts that prove the Bible is true, and that Jesus did in fact exist. Three days after He was crucified on the Cross, an awful death, He rose from the dead. Just like He said He would. He showed His scars from the nails that had hung Him to the cross to His disciples. He gave us the most amazing gift that can be given. He gave us the gift of eternal life. If you recognize Him as the Lord and Savior, God's Son, who died and rose again to save you from sin. John 3:16: "For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal

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Q: Why is it remarkable that Jesus made such an effect on history?
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