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Q: Why is it said that whether directly or indirectly all living things depend on green plants forfood?
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Every organism: directly and indirectly (plants etc.)

What animal that does not depend on plants in the food chain?

Adult mayflies do not have mouths and therefore cannot eat.

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The living thing that doesnt rely on photosynthesis are bacteria that lives under the ocean where there are no light.

What is the most important role of photosynthetic organisms in an ecosystem?

Photosynthetic organisms are the producers of an ecosystem. All other organisms depend directly or indirectly on the producers

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The bottom part of energy pyramid consists of producers, hence it is largest. All the other organisms depend on primary producers for their energy requirement directly or indirectly.

Our life is indirectly depedent on photosythesis how?

Our life is indirectly dependent on photosynthesis because we depend on plants for food. Plants make food by photosynthesis.

How does photosynthesis feed humans?

it gives the humans air to bretheHumans feed on plant material or meat. Animals human eat feed on plants. So directly or indirectly human feed on plants. Plants depend on photosynthesis

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It would depend on what those action were. Peoples' actions can affect just one other person or millions of people; peoples' actions can affect other people either directly or indirectly.

How does photosynthesis beniffit heterotrophs?

By providing an energy source for them. The majority of heterotrophic organisms get their energy by eating photosynthetic organisms or indirectly, by eating things which themselves eat photosynthetic organisms.

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The answer will depend on whether you require the radius, diameter or circumference.The answer will depend on whether you require the radius, diameter or circumference.The answer will depend on whether you require the radius, diameter or circumference.The answer will depend on whether you require the radius, diameter or circumference.

Why when trees are cut down less animals survive?

Because with the removal of trees the homes of these animals are essentially destroyed. Many animals live in trees, and even if they don't the animals down on the ground can depend on the tree dwellers directly or indirectly.