

Why is it so hard to do your taxes?

Updated: 9/13/2023
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16y ago

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This year's taxes may have been a nightmare, but it's not too late to try a few steps to simplify the process for next year:

* Keep paper receipts and important documentation in an organized folder so that they're readily available when you need them.

* Use personal financing software to keep track of your expenses throughout the year. When tax season rolls around, this will save you the trouble of slogging through paperwork and digging up those old receipts. It can also itemize your expenses and even file your taxes for you.

* Subscribe to Tax Tips, an IRS service that delivers help topics by e-mail each business day during the tax-filing season and periodically during the rest of the year.

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Perhaps someone who lives in the wilderness and hunts his own food with crude homemade weapons and makes his own clothes from the hides of the animals he hunts. There are so many taxes -- income taxes, sales taxes, vice taxes, property taxes, vehicle taxes, amusement taxes, and so on -- that it's hard to imagine anyone else who could completely escape taxes in the United States. Perhaps outside the United States, the rulers of certain countries may exempt themselves or some countries may have weak and ineffectual governments that cannot collect taxes. But in the latter case, people are probably still paying tributes to local warlords or plundering armies or militias.

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Those where the citizens work hard and pay their taxes.

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sure but it might be very hard

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How hard is it to file taxes for a small business?

Some say that filing taxes is easy since they have done it for a long time now. But others say that it is hard ecspecially for newbies. But for small businesses it should be the same just maybe a little more complicated.

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You do not need a tax return estimator when you have your taxes done. You need to have it before you get the taxes done so you will know what the taxes will be when you have to pay them.

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Same reason as always. People want the government to spend money on them, but nobody wants to pay more taxes. Congress finds it hard to reduce spending and hard to increase taxes, but easy to run up the debt. The currency is no longer based on gold or silver, so inflation and lower international credit rating are the only reasons not to increase the debt.

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Taxes are reduced, so people have increased income to spend.