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It remains cold in polar climates even in full sun because the sun's rays hit the geography at an angle, and because it is warm-er than when there is no sun.

'Cold' is relative.

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Q: Why is it still cold in Antarctica if there is 24 hours of sunlight?
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Do people still mine in antarctica. do people still mine in antarctica?

Mining is not permitted in Antarctica; there have never been any successful mining operations there -- it's too cold.

Why is it still very cold if a location gets twenty four hours of sunlight?

Think of the North Pole or Alaska here. They get plenty of sunlight but the sun is so far from the earth that the local weather controls the temperature.

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Antarctica is cold.

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The stratospheric ozone hole is located over Antarctica, because that is a spot that gets no direct sunlight. Ozone decays quickly, and and cannot be recreated if it gets no sunlight.

What are the hours of daylight like in Antarctica?

Sunny, clear, cold, windy and people are active. Some of these hours of daylight last 24 hours a day.

Why is Antarctica the coldest and windiest continent?

Antarctica is cold because it lacks sunlight during the winter months. Antarctica is windy based on Katabatic winds that flow downhill from the polar plateau -- about two miles high, and that are powered by the rotation of the earth.

What is the temperature of Antarctica in the spring?

The first day of spring in the Southern Hemisphere is September 21. Antarctica is located in the Southern Hemisphere.

What would happen to a cacti if it is planted in antarctica?

Antarctica is too cold and dry for agriculture or for growing anything. Within a few hours, the cactus would freeze.

What are some of the hazards of antarctica?

Cold, wind, lack of sunlight and humidity, the challenge of overall survival, based on its remote location and inability to support life.

Why no one catches cold in Antarctica?

It's too cold in Antarctica for cold germs to survive.

Why does the arctic circle still remain cold even though it is in 24 hours of light?

The duration of sunlight doesn't affect temperature as much as the intensity does. When it is winter where you are, there are days that are sunny and cold. The sun's rays hit the Arctic at an acute angle.

What is the climate of Antarctica like at its warmest?

The climate if Antarctica is still freezing at its warmest! It is usually about -30°c in the summer! That is about as cold as your freezer!! :P C.H.