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Well this happens due to the heat from your breath.

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Q: Why is it that you get smoke from your mouth during winter or when you are in a cold place?
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What is the smoke coming out of mouth in early winter morning?

Your breath as it is warmer than air around you will look like smoke

Should you smoke during war?

This is common sense. You shouldn't smoke in the first place, and if you smoke during war, then the enemy (if you are running away or something) can smell the smoke and follow you. Also, if you throw it away, the enemy can find it and track you down.

How do you make smoke come out of your mouth?

put air in your mouth and then put preasure in your mouth and then cluck

Do bats smoke cigarettes?

Actually, while bat's don't intentionally "smoke" in the way a human would, in some parts of Mexico people capture bats and place cigarettes in their mouth (it's considered a "prank" type of thing). when the bat breathes in, it inhales the smoke...

Is it okey to chew gum after you smoke?

chewing gum changes the nasty taste of smoke in your mouth !

Who do you inhale smoke?

You suck in on whatever your smoking from, which pulls then smoke into your mouth. Then you breathe in, which will bring it into your lungs.

Does anyone in lemonade mouth smoke?

Lol>.< nope..

What makes your mouth becomes black when you smoke?

Tobacco does.

How long does it take if you smoke once a mouth?

Take what?

How can you just get high by holding the smoke in your mouth without ingesting it?

Smoke spice. it gets you high but its not weed.

Can smoking give you nose cancer?

you can smoke a cigarette,and people take smoke out of their nose instead of their mouth

If you smoke but don't inhale the marijuana smoke will THC still go into your system?

Yes, as long as you had it in your mouth.