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The family serves as a primary agent for cultural transmission or enculturation by teaching values, norms, beliefs, and traditions to younger generations. This process helps maintain cultural identity, heritage, and practices within a society. Family members pass on language, rituals, customs, and behaviors that are fundamental to a particular culture's survival and continuity.

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Q: Why is it the function of the family cultural transmission or enculturation?
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According to the cultural transmission theory deviance is learned through?

According to the cultural transmission theory, deviance is learned through interactions with others, particularly within social groups and through communication. This theory suggests that individuals acquire deviant behaviors, attitudes, and beliefs from their environment, such as family, peers, and media influences. Cultural transmission theory emphasizes the role of socialization and the transmission of norms and values in shaping deviant behavior.

What are the differences between acculturation and enculturation?

Acculturation refers to the process of adopting the cultural traits or social patterns of another group, while enculturation is the process by which individuals learn and adopt the values, norms, and behaviors of their own culture from childhood. Acculturation typically occurs when interacting with a different culture, while enculturation happens within one's own cultural context from a young age.

What is household function?

Household function refers to the various activities and tasks that are carried out within a household to maintain daily living. This can include cooking, cleaning, managing finances, and caring for family members. The household function can vary depending on cultural norms, family structure, and individual preferences.

What are the functions of the extended family?

Extended families provide emotional support, share resources and responsibilities, pass down traditions and cultural values, and help with childcare and eldercare. They also serve as a network for socializing and building connections within the community.

What are the universal function of the family?

Some universal functions of the family include providing emotional support, socialization, and caregiving for its members. Families also play a role in passing down cultural traditions and values to the next generation.

Related questions

Who are the agents of enculturation?

The agents of enculturation are individuals or institutions that transmit cultural values, norms, and beliefs to members of a society. Examples include family, peers, schools, religious institutions, and media. These agents play a crucial role in socializing individuals into their culture.

What are the correct steps in cultural conditioning?

Socialization: Individuals learn cultural norms and values through interactions with family, peers, and institutions. Enculturation: People internalize cultural beliefs and behaviors, shaping their identity and worldview. Reinforcement: Cultural conditioning is reinforced through societal expectations, rewards, and punishments. Adaptation: Individuals adjust their behavior to conform to cultural norms in order to fit in and be accepted by their community.

Examples of manifest and latent functions of the family?

A manifest function of the family is providing financial support, which is a clearly visible purpose of the family unit. A latent function of the family is socializing children and teaching them cultural values, which may not be explicitly stated but is an important function of the family in society.

According to the cultural transmission theory deviance is learned through?

According to the cultural transmission theory, deviance is learned through interactions with others, particularly within social groups and through communication. This theory suggests that individuals acquire deviant behaviors, attitudes, and beliefs from their environment, such as family, peers, and media influences. Cultural transmission theory emphasizes the role of socialization and the transmission of norms and values in shaping deviant behavior.

What is the process of learning and internalizing aspects of one and culture known?

This process is known as enculturation, where individuals learn and adopt the beliefs, values, norms, and behaviors of their own culture. It occurs through socialization within the family, community, and educational institutions, shaping an individual's cultural identity and understanding.

What are the differences between acculturation and enculturation?

Acculturation refers to the process of adopting the cultural traits or social patterns of another group, while enculturation is the process by which individuals learn and adopt the values, norms, and behaviors of their own culture from childhood. Acculturation typically occurs when interacting with a different culture, while enculturation happens within one's own cultural context from a young age.

What is household function?

Household function refers to the various activities and tasks that are carried out within a household to maintain daily living. This can include cooking, cleaning, managing finances, and caring for family members. The household function can vary depending on cultural norms, family structure, and individual preferences.

Why is cultural important to the family?

cultural is important to the family because it teaches who you are and where you came from and where you want to be in life.

What are the advantages of reproduction as a function of the family?

what are the advantages of reproduction as a function the family?

Is transmitting the culture a function of the family?

yes transmitting the culture is a family function

What is the the negative function of the family?

family abuse

What are the functions of the extended family?

Extended families provide emotional support, share resources and responsibilities, pass down traditions and cultural values, and help with childcare and eldercare. They also serve as a network for socializing and building connections within the community.