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Q: Why is it the length of the test affect reliability?
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What factors affect reliability?

factors affect reliability

What is the importance of test reliability and validity?

to test if they are measuring what they supposed to measure.

How do you calculate test retest reliability in quantitative research?

Use the Bland-Altman test, it tests reliability more efficiently then looking at co-efficients. Use the Bland-Altman test, it tests reliability more efficiently then looking at co-efficients.

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In what situations would reliability be more important that validity?

Considering in test-scoring "reliability" refers to the consistency of the test scores, and "validity" refers to the accuracy of the interpretations made from those scores, then reliability is possible without validity, although validity is not possible without reliability.

In terms of reliability what can be said about the depression test scores?

the test scored appear to be reliable

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There exists standardized procedures one has to follow in order to ensure the validity and reliability of the test. One small mistake could change everything---which may affect the client negatively. So be careful!

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kendall tau

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What is test critique?

Test critique involves evaluating the quality and reliability of a test or assessment tool. This typically includes examining factors such as validity, reliability, fairness, and appropriateness for the intended purpose and population. It aims to identify strengths and weaknesses of the test to make informed decisions about its use.

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Spearman-Brown formula ptherwise called as split half method?

not otherwise....split half method is one way of determining reliability of your test and Spearman-Brown formula is a technique used to re-calculate the correlation of your test when you split your test items into half.... this means that the result of Spearman-Brown provides you the correlation of your test in full length.